David Phillips, Todd Vanpool, y Cristina VanPool


Walker, Cameron M.
Bioarchaeology of Newly Discovered Burial Caves in the Sierra Tarahumara. Disertación doctoral, University of Oregon, Eugene. ["Bioarqueología de cuevas con entierros recientamente descubiertas en la Sierra Tarahumara"]

Walker, William H.
Ritual technology in an extranatural world. En Anthropological Perspectives on Technology, Michael B. Schiffer ed., pp. 87–106. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

2002 Stratigraphy and Practical Reason. American Anthropologist 104:159–177. [Abandono ritual en Paquimé] [Ritual abandoment at Paquimé]

Walker, William H., y Gaea McGahee
Animated waters: the ritualized life history of wells, reservoirs, and springs at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. Ponencia a la reunión anual de la Society for American Archaeology, Nueva Orleans.

2006 Animated Waters: Ritual Technology at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. En Precolumbian Water Management: Ideology, Ritual, and Power, Linda J. Lucero y Barbara W. Fash eds., pp. 195–210. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Ware, John A.
Cambiando las visiones sobre el Gran Chichimeca. En Talking Birds, Plumed Serpents, and Painted Women: The Ceramics of Casas Grandes. Pájaros Hablando, Serpientes Emplumadas y Mujeres Pintadas: La Cerámica de Casas Grandes, Joanne Stuhr ed., pp. 65–66. Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson.

2002 Changing visions of a Gran Chichimeca. En Talking Birds, Plumed Serpents, and Painted Women: The Ceramics of Casas Grandes. Pájaros Hablando, Serpientes Emplumadas y Mujeres Pintadas: La Cerámica de Casas Grandes, Joanne Stuhr ed., pp. 59–60. Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson.

Washburn, Dorothy K.
The Mexican connection: cylinder jars from the Valley of Oaxaca. En New Frontiers in the Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Greater Southwest, Carroll L. Riley y Basil C. Hedrick eds., pp. 70–85. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 72(4), número entero.

Wasley, William Warwick (1919–1970)
Historic archaeology in the missions of Pimeria Alta: interim report, November 1, 1965, on the Magdalena project. Ms. en los archivos del Arizona State Museum (No. 0559-C), University of Arizona, Tucson. [Antes del descubrimiento de los restos de Kino. Provee el contexto de la excavación oficial.] [Predates discovery of Kino's body. Describes the background to the official excavations.]

1966 Archaeological research in northwest Mexico. Propuesta sometida a la National Science Foundation, en los papeles Wasley, archivos del Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona, Tucson.

1966 The archaeology of Sonora and Sinaloa: a review of the literature and suggestions for future research. With suggestions for archaeological research in Sonora, by Alfred E. Johnson. Ms. en la biblioteca del Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. [Bibliografía con comentarios breves] [Bibliography with limited comments]

1967 Archaeological research in northwest Mexico. Mss. en Archivos Monumentos Prehispanicos, INAH, México y en los papeles Wasley, archivos del Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. [Serie de reportes, 1966–1967, sobre los estudios de Wasley] [Series of reports, 1966–1967, on Wasley's research]

1968 Archaeological survey in Sonora, Mexico. Ponencial a la 33a reunión anual de la Society for American Archaeology, Santa Fe.

s.f. Father Kino remains scrapbook. En los papeles Wasley, archivos del Arizona State Museum (No. 0559 A,B,C), University of Arizona, Tucson.

Wasley, William W., y James E. Officer
Report on the Yecora trip, June 17–22, 1959. Ms. en los archivos del Arizona State Museum (No. A-0405), University of Arizona, Tucson. [Visita a dos sitios de cueva, uno con pictografías. Reportes de sitios al aire libre en la vecindad.] [Two cave sites visited, one with pictographs. Surface sites were reported for the surrounding area.]

Watson, James T.
2008 Changes in food processing and occlusal dental wear during the Early Agricultural period in Northwest Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135:92–99.

2008 Prehistoric dental disease and the dietary shift from cactus to cultigens in Northwest Mexico. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 18:202–212.

2009 Life and death among the earliest farmers. Archaeology Southwest23(1):13. ["La vida y la muerte entre los primeros agricultores." Aumento del problemas dentales por razón de la agricultura temprana, especialmente entre las mujeres. La muestra incluye 267 entierros de la Playa, Sonora.] [Increase in dental problems, especially among females, due to early agriculture. The sample includes 267 burials from La Playa, Sonora.]

Watson, James T., Misty Fields, y Debra L. Martin
The introduction of agriculture and its effect on women's oral health. American Journal of Human Biology, en prensa.

Weaver, David J.
An osteological test of changes in subsistence and settlement patterns at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 46:361–364. [Vea respuesta en Corrucini 1983.] [See Corruccini 1983 for rebuttal.]

Webb, Monica K.
A design analysis of Ramos, Babícora, and White Paste Babícora Sherds from Test Pits at Site 204, Casas Grandes region, Chihuahua, Mexico. Tesis de maestría, University of Tulsa, Tulsa.

Webster, Laurie D., Maxine E. McBrinn, y Eduardo Gamboa Carrera (editores)
Archaeology Without Borders: Contact, Commerce, and Change in the U.S. Southwest and Northwestern Mexico. University Press of Colorado y CONACULTA-INAH-Chihuahua, Boulder. [Reseña por Pietzel (2011)].

Webster, Monica
Prehistoric Diet and Human Adaptation in West Central Chihuahua. Tesis maestría, University of Calgary, Calgary.

Webster, Monica, y M. Anne Katzenberg
Dietary reconstruction and human adaptation in west central Chihuahua. En Celebrating Jane Holden Kelley and Her Work, Meade F. Kemrer ed., pp. 71–101. New Mexico Archeological Council Special Publication No. 5, Albuquerque.

Weigand, Phil C.
Reseña de F. J. Mathien y R. H. McGuire, eds., Ripples in the Chichimec Sea. American Anthropologist 89:462.

1997 La turquesa. Arqueología Mexicana 5(27):26–33.

2001 El Norte mesoamericano. Arqueología Mexicana 9(51):34–39.

2004 Los antecedentes mesoamericanos de los murales kiva de los Hopis de Awatovi, norte de Arizona: análisis y escenario. Relaciones 100:313–340. Colegio de Michoac´n, Zamora.

2008 Turquoise: formal economic interrelationships between Mesoamerica and the North American Southwest. En Archaeology Without Borders: Contact, Commerce, and Change in the U.S. Southwest and Northwestern Mexico, Laurie D. Webster, Maxine E. McBrinn, y Eduardo Gamboa Carrera eds., pp. 343–353. University Press of Colorado y CONACULTA-INAH-Chihuahua, Boulder.

Weigand, Phil C., y Garman Harbottle
The role of turquoise in the ancient Mesoamerican trade structure. En The American Southwest and Mesoamerica: Systems of Prehistoric Exchange, Jonathan E. Ericson y Timothy C. Baugh eds., pp. 159–177. Plenum Press, New York.

Weigand, Phil C., y Acelia Garcia de Weigand
A macroeconomic study of the relationships between the ancient cultures of the American Soutwhest and Mesoamerica. En The Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythic Homeland, Virginia M. Fields y Victor Zamudio-Taylor, pp. 184–195. Los Angeles County of Art, Los Angeles, y University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Weissheimer, J. W., y J. Wright
Archaeological researches in the San Joaquín Valley. Ms. 2494, Accn. No. 61666. National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. [Informe de excavaciones en un sitio de la cultura Casas Grandes en Chihuahua, por el ejercito norteamericano.] [Report on excavations in a Casas Grandes site in Chihuahua, by the U.S. Army.]

Wellman, Klaus F.
Muzzinabikon: indianische Felsbilder Nordamerikas aus funf Jahrtaulanden. Akademische Druck Und Verlangsanstalt, Graz, Austria. [Examinación general del arte rupestre de Norteamérica. Para una versión revisada y aumentada, ver Wellman 1979.] [General survey of North American Indian rock art. For a revised and expanded version, see Wellman 1979.]

1979 A Survey of North American Indian Rock Art. Akademische Druck Und Verglangsanstalt, Graz, Austria. [Incluye discusiones breves, con ilustraciones, de arte rupestre del noroeste de México.] [Includes brief discussions of, and a few illustrations of, northwest Mexican rock art]

Weltfish, Gene (Miss)
Cave dweller twill plaited basketry. Apéndice en Zingg 1940. [Canastas de la cuenca superior del río Fuerte, suroeste de Chihuahua] [Basketry of the upper Fuerte drainage, southwest Chihuahua]

West, Robert C.
Carl Sauer: Fieldwork in Latin America. Dellplain Latin American Studies No. 3. Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

Whalen, Michael E.
Informe técnico parcial al Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, de la segunda temporada del proyecto: excavación en el Sitio 565, Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. [Sitio cerca de Paquimé][Site near Paquimé]

2013 Wealth, status, ritual, and marine shell at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 78:624–639. ["Riqueza, estatus social, ritual, y concha marítima en Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, México"]

Whalen, Michael E., A. C. MacWilliams, y Todd Pietzel
Reconsidering the size and structure of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 75:527–550. [Reconsideración del tamaño y de la estructura de Paquimé]

Whalen, Michael E., y Paul E. Minnis
El sistema regional de Paqumé, Chihuahua, México. Informe al Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, México. [Obra citada en MacWilliams 2001.] [Cited in MacWilliams 2001.]

1996 Ball courts and political centralization in the Casas Grandes region. American Antiquity 61:732–746.

1996 The context of production in and around Paquimé, Chihuahua, Mexico. En Interpreting Southwestern Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns, Paul R. Fish y J. Jefferson Reid eds., pp. 173–182. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers No. 48, Tempe.

1996 Studying complexity in northern Mexico: the Paquimé regional system. En Debating complexity: Proceedings of the 26th Chacmool Conference, Daniel A. Meyer, Peter C. Dawson, y Donald T. Hanna eds., pp. 161–168. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary.

1997 Investigaciones especializadas sobre el sistema regional de Paquimé, México. Informe al Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, México. [Obra citada en Whalen y Minnis 2009.]

1999 Investigating the Paquimé regional system. En The Casas Grandes World, Curtis F. Schaafsma y Carroll L. Riley eds., pp. 54–62. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

1999 La cronología cerámica del período Medio. Ponencia al II Conferencia de Arqueología de la Frontera, Casas Grandes. [Obra citada por Larkin 2006.]

2000 Leadership at Casas Grandes, Mexico. En Alternative Leadership Strategies in the Greater Southwest, Barbara J. Mills ed., pp. 168–179. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2001 Architecture and authority in the Casas Grandes area, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 66:651–668.

2001 Casas Grandes and its Hinterland: Prehistoric Regional Organization in Northwest Mexico. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2001 The Casas Grandes regional system: a late prehistoric polity of northwestern Mexico. Journal of World Prehistory 15:313–364.

2001 Informe Técnico al Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia del Proyecto Investigaciones sobre la Estructura del Sistema Regional de Paquimé, Chihuahua: Excavaciones en el Sitio 204, Temporada de 2001. University of Tulsa, Tulsa y University of Oklahoma, Norman.

2003 The local and the distant in the origin of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 68:314–332.

2004 After the survey: further research around Paquimé, Chihuahua, Mexico. En Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest, Barbara J. Mills ed., pp. 311–325. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

2006 Excavaciones en el sitio La Tinaja (204), un gran vecino del centro de Paquié, Chihuahua. Boletín (electrónico). Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, México. Link

2008 Investigating the neighbors of Casas Grandes. Glyphs: The Monthly Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society 59(6):6–7.

2009 Informe técnico parcial al Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, del proyecto: excavaciones en el Sitio 315: investigaciones del sistema regional Paquimé, Chihuahua, México. University of Tulsa, Tulsa y University of Oklahoma, Norman.

2009 The Neighbors of Casas Grandes: Excavating Medio Period Communities of Northwest Chihuahua, Mexico. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2009 The Paquimé (Casas Grandes) site, northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, a link between the Puebloan Southwest and Mesoamerica. En Archaeology in America, An Encyclopedia, Vol. 3: Southwest and Great Basin/Plateau, Francis P. McManamon, ed. gral., pp. 199–202. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut. [Resumen del sitio] [Summary of the site]

2010 Informe técnico parcial al Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, del proyecto: excavaciones en el Sitio 315, segunda temporada. University of Tulsa, Tulsa y University of Oklahoma, Norman. [Sitio cerca de Paquimé][Site near Paquimé]

2012 Ceramics and polity in the Casas Grandes area, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiqutity 77:403–423. [Desarollo de la cerámica polícroma del período Medio, y sus implicaciones sociales e históricas] [Development of Medio period polychrome pottery, and its social and historical implications]

Wheat, Joe Ben
A double-walled jar from Chihuahua. The Kiva 14(1–4):8–10. [Vasija Ramos Polícromo encontrada en un corte de camino cerca de Ramos] [Ramos Polychrome jar collected through a road cut near Ramos]

Wilcox, David R.
A historical analysis of the problem of Southwestern-Mesoamerican connections. En Ripples in the Chichimec Sea: New Considerations of Mesoamerican-Southwestern Interactions, Frances Joan Mathien y Randall H. McGuire eds., pp. 9–44. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.

1987 Changing contexts of Pueblo adaptations along the Rio Grande River, A.D. 1250–1600. Versión revisada de una ponencia a la Conference on Plains and Pueblo Interaction, Fort Burgwin Research Center. Copia en los archivos de la Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe. [Incluye una discusión de Paquimé.] [Includes a discussion of Paquimé.]

1999 A preliminary graph-theoretical analysis of access relationships at Casas Grandes. En The Casas Grandes World, Curtis F. Schaafsma y Carroll L. Riley eds., pp. 93–106. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

2012 Evaluating the population size of Paquimé: empirical and theoretical issues. Ponencia a la 17a Conferencia Bienal de Arqueología Mogollón, Silver City. [Tamaño de la población de Paquimé]

Wilcox, David R., Phil C. Weigand, J. Scott Wood y Jerry B. Howard
Ancient Cultural Interplay of the American Southwest in the Mexican Northwest. Journal of the Southwest 50:103–206.

Wilcox, David R. y Lynette O. Shenck
The Architecture of the Casa Grande and its Interpretation. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 115. University of Arizona, Tucson.

Wilcox, David R. y Charles Sternberg
Hohokam Ballcourts and Their Interpretation. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 160. University of Arizona, Tucson. [El descubrimiento de canchas de pelota en el suroeste de los EE.UU. precipitó el interés en conexiones entre Mesoamérica y el Noroeste/Suroeste.] [The discovery of ballcourts in the southwest U.S. sparked interest in Mesoamerican-Northwest/Southwest ties.]

Willey, Gordon R. y Jeremy A. Sabloff
A History of American Archaeology. W. H. Freeman, San Francisco.

Willey, Jo
The Effects of Desalination on Archaeological Ceramics from the Casas Grandes Region in Northern Mexico. Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservaton, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Willhite, Brenton E.
Status and stones in the Casas Grandes region: analysis of debitage from the 76 Draw Site (LA 156980). Kiva 82:95–116.

Windmiller, Ric
An archaeological reconnaissance of Bahía San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico, a preliminary report. Sacramento Archaeological Society Newsletter 1(3):4–7. ["Reconocimiento arqueológico de Bahía San Carlos ... un informe preliminar"]

1974 Archaeological remains around Bahia San Carlos, Sonora. Ponencia al 1a Reunión sobre Antropología e Historia del Noroeste, Hermosillo, Sonora. Copia en la biblioteca del Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. [Un reconocimiento breve encontró múltiples sitios pequeños por la orilla de la bahía San Carlos. Muchos de los sitios probablemente fueron destruidos por el desarrollo.] [A brief reconnaissance showed the presence of many small sites along the edge of San Carlos Bay. Many of these sites have probably since been destroyed by development.]

Wiseman, Fred M.
Aplicaciones de la paleoecología la arqueología de Sonora. En Sonora: Antropología del Desierto, Beatriz Braniff C. y Richard S. Felger eds., pp. 73–76. Colección Científica No. 27. INAH, México.

1994 Aplicaciones de la paleoecología la arqueología de Sonora. En Sonora: Anthropología del Desierto, edición 20 Aniversario, Beatriz Braniff C. y Richard S. Felger eds., pp. 47–48. Noroeste de México 12, Hermosillo.

Withers, Allison C.
Copper in the prehistoric Southwest. Tesis maestría, University of Arizona, Tucson. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Archives, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. [Pp. 29–33, "Chihuahua"]

Withers, Arnold M.
A survey of check dams and archaeological sites on the Albert Whetten Ranch, Chihuahua. Ponencia a la 32a reunión anual de la Society for American Archaeology, Boulder.

1976 Some pictographs from northwestern Chihuahua. En Collected Papers in Honor of Marjorie Ferguson Lambert, Albert H. Schroeder ed., pp. 109–112. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 3. [Ilustraciones de arte rupestre del valle del río Piedras Verdes, al noroeste de Colonia Juárez] [Drawings of rock art from Piedras Verdes valley, northwest of Colonia Juúrez]

Wolfman, Daniel
Reseña de S. D. Scott, Dendrochronology in Mexico. American Antiquity 33:115–116.

Woodall, J. Ned
Growth arrest lines in long bones of the Casas Grandes population. Plains Anthropologist 13(40):152–160.

Woodward, Arthur
Ancient houses of modern Mexico. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 32(3):79–98.

1936 A shell bracelet manufactory. American Antiquity 2:117–125. [Sitio La Playa, valle del río Altar, Sonora] [La Playa Site, Altar Valley, Sonora]

1983 Misiones del Norte de Sonora: Aspectos Históricos y Arqueológicos. Hermosillo.

Woodward, John A.
A two-headed Seri figurine. The Masterkey 41(4):154–156.

Woosley, Anne I.
Shadows on a Silent Landscape: Art and Symbol at Prehistoric Casas Grandes. In The Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythic Homeland, Virginia M. Fields y Victor Zamudio-Taylor eds., pp. 164–183. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.

Woosley, Anne I., y Bart Olinger
The Casas Grandes ceramic tradition: production and interregional exchange of Ramos Polychrome. En Culture and Contact: Charles C. Di Peso's Gran Chichimeca, Anne I. Woosley y John C. Ravesloot eds., pp. 105–132. Amerind Foundation New World Studies Series No. 2. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Woosley, Anne I., y John C. Ravesloot (eds.)
Culture and Contact: Charles C. Di Peso's Gran Chichimeca. Amerind Foundation, Dragoon, Arizona, y University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Wyndham, Felice S.
The semiotics of powerful places: rock art and lanscape relations in the Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Research 67:387–420. [Arte rupestre cerca de Basíhuare, Chihuahua y su interpretación contemporánea]

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