The Study.


The Study, 1. is a place where a Student, 2. apart from Men,sitteth alone, addicted to his Studies, whilst he readeth Books, 3. which being within his reach he layeth open upon a Desk, 4. and picketh all the best things out of them into his own Manual, 5. or marketh them in them with a Dash, 6. or a little Star, 7. in the Margent.

  Museum, 1. est locus ubi Studiosus, 2. secretus ab Hominibus, seder solus deditus Studiis, dum lectitat Libros, 3. quos pences se & exponit super Pluteum, 4. & excerpit optima quaeque ex illis in Manuale suum, 5. notat in illis Litura, 6. vel Asterisco, 7. ad Margiem.
Being to sit up late, he setteth a Candle, 8. on a Candlestick, 9. which is snuffed with Snuffers, 10. before the Candle, he placeth a Screen, 11. which is green, that it may not hurt his eye-sight; richer Persons use a Taper, for a Tallow-candle stinketh and smoaketh.   Lucubraturus, elevat Lychnum (Canelam), 8. in Candelabra, 9. qui emungitur Emunctorior, 10. ante Lynchum collocat Umbraculum, 11. quod viride est, ne hebetet oculorum aciem; opulentiores utuntur Cereo nam Candela sebacea foetet & fugimat.
A Letter, 12. is wrapped up , writ upon, 13. and sealed, 14.   Epistola, 12. complicatur, inscribitur, 13. & obsignatur, 14.
Going abroad by night, he maketh use of a Lanthern, 15. or a Torch, 16.   Prodiens noctu utitur Lanterna, 15. vel Face, 16.

A page from the Orbis Sensualium Pictus (1658/1727/1887)

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