China Exports, the World Imitates

A comparison of two hand-painted porcelain dinner plates

While most Western imitations of Chinese blue-and-white ware have mass-produced designs, thanks to transferware technology, to this day the best Chinese ceramics are hand-painted. Two examples of hand-painted dinner plates are reproduced below. At first they look identical, but the longer you look at them, the more small differences you'll see. Ancient Chinese collectors preferred expressions of human artistic talent over machine-like perfection, and the same is true of collectors today.

In the side views, accessible below, you can see cafe au lait rims. Both plates were made during the Qing dynasty, about A.D. 1780–1800.

Blue and white plate
2012.91.180, blue and white ware plate. Side view of plate
Eason Eige Collection; photo by B. Bernard

Blue and white plate
2012.91.179, blue and white ware plate. Side view of plate
Eason Eige Collection; photo by B. Bernard

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