China Then and Now

Sources and Suggested Readings

(As you explore the web site, you will find additional sources listed on specific pages.)

Early Chinese Pottery

Wu, Xiaohong, Chi Zhang, Paul Goldberg, David Cohen, Yan Pan, Trina Arpin, and Ofer Bar-Yosef, 2012, Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China. Science Vol. 336, pages 1696–1700.

The Emergence of Chinese Civilization

Chang, Kwang-Chih, 1980, Shang Civilization. Yale University Press, New Haven. [Must reading for those with a serious interest in the Shang dynasty]

Imperial China

Brook, Timothy, 1998, The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China. University of California Press, Berkely. [The growth of the merchant class in Ming dynasty China, and the contradictions between this change and the Confucian values of the traditional imperial order]

The Making and Trading of Chinese Porcelains

Canepa, Teresa, 2012, The Portuguese and Spanish Trade in Kraak Porcelain in the Late 16th and Early 17th Centuries. In Proceedings of the International Symposium: Chinese Export Ceramics in the 16th and 17th Centuries and the Spread of Material Civilization, pp. 257–285. Chinese Civilization Centre Press, City University, Hong Kong.

Wood, Nigel, 1999, Chinese Glazes: Their Origins, Chemistry, and Recreation. A & C Black, London.

Early Use of Chinese Ceramics in New Mexico

Be sure to visit our page featuring Linda Pomper's article, Chinese Porcelain in New Mexico.

Hill, David V., and John A. Peterson, 1999, East Meets West on the Camino Real. In El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Volume Two, edited by Gabrielle G. Palmer and Stephen L. Fosberg, pp. 147–152. Cultural Resource Series No. 13. USDI Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office, Santa Fe.

Chinese Railroad Workers in North America

Voss, Barbara L, Guest Editor, 2015, The Archaeology of Chinese Railroad Workers in North America. Historical Archaeology Vol. 49, No. 1. [Special journal issue featuring 14 articles on the archaeology of Chinese railroad workers.]

Evidence of Chinese Railroad Workers in New Mexico

Brown, Marie, and Kenneth L. Brown, 2012, A Class I and Class III Cultural Resource Energy Survey for a Renewable Generation Facility in Deming, Luna County, New Mexico. Report No. 185-544. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Maxwell Museum Archives No. 2005.7.13. [A Chinese coin was found along a railroad corridor.]

Zink, Andrew, 2011, Archaeological Treatment for the Santa Teresa Land Exchange and Union Pacific Railroad Strauss Yard in Doña Ana County, New Mexico. Lone Mountain Report No. 1203. Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Albuquerque. Maxwel Museum Archives No. 2013.1.49. [Chinese artifacts were found along a railroad corridor.]

Chinese Businesses in New Mexico and Elsewhere

International Chinese Business Directory Co., Inc., 1913, International Chinese Business Directory of the World for 1913. San Francisco. Available online from Google Books; scanned from a copy at the University of California, Berkeley. [Two pages of entries on New Mexico businesses owned by Chinese immigrants.]

The Chinese in Albuquerque

Brown, Marie E., and Kenneth L. Brown, 2012, Archival Report for the Proposed Casitas de Colores Project, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. TRC Report No. 192959-C-01. TRC, Inc., Albuquerque. Maxwell Museum Archives No. 2013.1.46. [History and archaeology of the Albuquerque city block bounded by Silver and Lead Avenues and by Second and Third Streets. One of the blocks where early Chinese residents lived and worked in Albuquerque.]

Brown, Marie E., Kenneth L. Brown, Amador Minjares, and Toni R. Goar, 2009, Data Recovery Report for the Proposed Silver Gardens Project, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. TRC Report No. 163305-C-4. Maxwell Museum Archives No. 2013.1.47. [History and archaeology of the southwest corner of Silver Avenue and First Street, in Albuquerque. In the late 1800s, a Chinese laundry was located here.]

The Chinese in El Paso

Staski, Edward, 1985, Beneath the Border City, Volume 2: The Overseas Chinese in El Paso. University Museum Occasional Papers No. 13. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. [Detailed information on domestic consumption in El Paso's Chinatown, based on archaeological excavation.]

Yee Shun

Wunder, John R., Territory of New Mexico v. Yee Shun (1882): A Turning Point in Chinese Legal Relationships in the Trans-Mississippi West. New Mexico Historical Review, July 1990, pp. 305–318.

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