Roli Varma

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Full Professor

Carl Hatch Endowed Professor
Regents' Lecturer

University of New Mexico

School of Public Administration MSC053100
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131, United States
Telephone: (505) 277-7756
Fax: (505) 277-2529




    External Funding ($1,2573,820)

    • John Falk (PI), Roli Varma and Lynn Dierking (Co-PIs), Workshop on “Public Awareness of STEM and Advancing the Role of Women in STEM" Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE),  National Science Foundation (Grant 1937849), 9/1/19 to 8/31/21, $99,889. (UNM portion $15,000).
    • Roli Varma (PI) and Meghna Sabharwal (Co-PI), "Collaborative Grant: Maintaining Diversity in the US High-Tech Sector" Science, Technology and Society Program, National Science Foundation (Grants 1655322, 1655366), 3/15/17 to 2/28/21, $225,155 (UNM portion $140,186).
    • Meghna Sabharwal (PI) and Roli Varma (Co-PI),“Collaborative: Return Migration of Academic Scientists and Engineers from the United States to India” Science, Technology and Society Program, National Science Foundation (Grants 1229990, 1230091), 9/15/12 to 8/31/15, $197,189 (UNM portion $51,337).
      • Roli Varma,“Research Experiences for Undergraduates”National Science Foundation, $9,990.
    • Roli Varma,“Cross-National Differences in Women's Participation in Computer Science Education in India and the United States”jointly supported by the Research on Gender in Science and Engineering Program, and the India Program of the Office of International Science and Engineering,  National Science Foundation (Grant 0650410), 12/31/07 to 12/30/08, $55,766.
      • Roli Varma,“Research Experiences for Undergraduates" National Science Foundation, $6,000.
    • Roli Varma,“The Tenure System in Engineering" Social Studies of Science, Engineering and Technology Program, , National Science Foundation (Grant 0610402), 2/28/06 to 8/31/06, $10,247.
    • Roli Varma (PI) and Deepak Kapur (Co-PI),“Cross-Ethnic Differences in Undergraduate Women's Preference for Information Technology” Information Technology Work Force Program, National Science Foundation (Grant 0305898), 1/09/03 to 8/31/07, $245,328.
      • Roli Varma,“Research Experiences for Undergraduates”National Science Foundation, $6,000.
      • Roli Varma,“Information Technology Workforce and Information Technology Research, Education and Workforce Principal Investigator Conference" National Science Foundation, $99,064.
    • Roli Varma,“Out of Mix: Native Americans in Information Technology” Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Grant B2002-68), 1/1/03 to 6/30/05, $40,000.
    • Roli Varma,“New Immigrants: Science and Engineering in the United States" History and Philosophy of Science, Engineering and Technology Program, National Science Foundation (Grant 0136467), 6/1/02 to 5/31/05, $79,766.
      • Roli Varma,“Research Experiences for Undergraduates”National Science Foundation, $6,000.
    • Roli Varma (PI), Deepak Kapur and Bruce Perlman (Co-PIs),“Why So Few Women in Information Technology? A Comparative Study" Information Technology Work Force Program,  National Science Foundation (Grant 0120055), 8/12/01 to 6/30/03, $102,426.
      • Roli Varma,“Research Experiences for Undergraduates" National Science Foundation, $6,000.
    • Roli Varma,“Recruitment and Retention of Undergraduate Minorities in Information Technology"  Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Grant B2000-72), 1/1/01 to 10/31/02, $30,000.
    • Roli Varma,“Industrial Scientists: New Challenges with Restructuring” Studies of Policy in Science, Engineering and Technology Program,  National Science Foundation (Individual Award, Grant 9602200), 9/1/96 to 2/28/98, $55,000.

    Internal Research Funding ($28,110)

    • Roli Varma, Fostering Research Expansion in the Social Sciences and Humanities, UNM Office of Vice President for Research, 9/15/23 to 5/15/24, $3,000.

    • Roli Varma,“Choosing Computer Science among STEM by Women” Research Allocation Committee,  University of New Mexico, 1/1/21 to 5/31/22, $4,000.
    • Roli Varma,“Return Migration from the United States to India: A Case Study of Scientists and Engineers in Industrial R&D Laboratories" Research Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, 1/17/13 to 7/16/14, $6000.
    • Roli Varma,“Retaining U.S. Educated Foreign-born Scientists and Engineers: A Case Study of Return Migration to India" Research Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, 10/15/10 to 9/30/11, $4,000.
    • Roli Varma,“Lessons from Precollege Mathematics Teaching in India” Research Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, 11/1/09 to 9/30/10, $4,000.
    • Roli Varma,“Cross-national Differences in Women’s Participation in CS Education between India and the U.S." Research Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, 11/30/07 to 9/30/08, $3,830.
    • Roli Varma,“The Tenure System and Engineering Education" Research Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, 4/1/06 to 9/30/06, $3,280.

    Internal Teaching Funding ($23,000)

    • Roli Varma, Teaching Allocation Committee, University of New Mexico, to upgrade ENG 200 (Technology in Society) course, 2018, $3,000.

    • Roli Varma, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, University of New Mexico,to develop and make ENGR-F 200 (Technology in Society) course a part of the UNM Core Curriculum, 2000, $10,000.
    • Roli Varma, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, University of New Mexico, to develop the course materials for ENGR-N 321 (Science and Technology in Society), 1999, $10,000.

    Others (over $50,000)

    • From the following institutions/organizations to give talks and/or attend conferences/workshops: 
      • American Indian Science and Engineering Society; Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology & Society; Association of Computing Machinery; Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology; Energy and Resources Institute; Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi & Kanpur'; Jawaharlal Nehru University; Johannes Kepler University; Max Planck Institute; National Center for Women in Information Technology; National Science Foundation; New Mexico State University; Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences; Siegen University; Society for Social Studies of Science; Super Computing Organization;Technical Education Research Centers; University of Arizona; University of California at Davis; University of Texas at Austin; Uppsala University.
    • From the following institutions/organizations to review funding proposals/ dissertations/manuscripts: 
      • Alfred Sloan Foundation; Department of Energy; Hong Kong Research Council; Indian Institute of Technology at Guwahati, Kanpur & Delhi; Indiana University Press; National Science Foundation; Nazarbayev University Research Review; Taylor & Francis; Templeton University Press; Westview Press.

    Post-Doctoral Fellows Supported from NSF Grants

    • Heiko Hahn, 2006.
    • Amit Prasad, 2004−2005.

    Partial Support for Graduate Students

    • Pratiksha Koirala; Tenzin Yonten; Moumita Ghosh; Shruthi Nadig; Gianna May; Shannon Bell; Michelle Fordice; Robin Stephen Walden; Eric Rousseau Chenier; Bryan Turo; Katie Massen; Chen Meng; Xiangjin Shen; Ying Wang; Jessica Crespo; Valeries Santillanes; Rita Fernandez; Virgil Mathes; Anchalee Ngamporncha; Daren Ruiz; Joel Young; Margaret Frisbee; Julia Gilroy; Daniel Aldis; Thomas Maestas; Charlene Clechuga; Bhavana Upadhyaya; Khadidiatou Ndiaye; Milena Gevorgyan; Sangeet Kumar; Marcella LaFever; Wendy Beach; Cherri Birch; Prodyut Das; Nafisa Helim; Susan Methney; Martina Myers; Vinod Ramdas; Scott Sandoval.

    Partial Support for Under-Graduate Students

    • Alexander Julnes; Richard Maestas; Jared Smith; Michael Young Hillyer; Eliana Marie Herrera; Samreen Anwar; Catherine Embrey; Michelle R Trujillo; Vanessa Galindo-Sanchez; DanaHerrera; Sarah Young; Patricia Laumbach; Anuradha Chaturvedi; Erin Harper; Benjamin Bergen.