Roli Varma |
Invited Speaker, Book Manuscript Workshop, Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology & Society (AJI), and Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA, March 13, 2023. Invited Speaker, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, May 24, 2022. Invited Member, Social Science Advisory Board of the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT), 2008−Current. Co-chair, 2010−2012. Invited Member, IEEE Computer Society History Committee to Commemorate the 75th Year of Modern Computing, 2020-2021. Interviewed prominent women scientists and engineers: o Cecilia Aragon, o Bala Kavita o Fay Cobb Payton Invited Participant, Workshop on Convening on Computer Science Research Infrastructure for Native-Serving Institutions, American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Chicago, IL, September 27−28, 2019; Virtual, December 2−3, 2020. Represented, National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Highlights of the Work of 10 Scientists for Women's History Month, March 2018. Invited Speaker, Workshop on 21st Century Coolies, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, March 15−16, 2018. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Computing Is Work, Siegen University, Siegen, Germany, July 6−8, 2017. Invited Speaker, Symposium on the Science of Broadening Participation, Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, February 25−26, 2016. Invited Speaker, Public Lecture Series, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, October 16, 2014. Recipient, Carl Hatch Endowed Professorship, University of New Mexico (UNM), Albuquerque, NM, 2014–2017. Program Chair, Annual Meeting of Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), San Diego, CA, October 2013; Cleveland, OH, November 2011. Distinguished Lecture Series Speaker, Max Planck Institute, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 28, 2011. Invited Speaker, International Workshop on International Collaborations, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, June 2−4, 2010. Invited Participant, CEOSE Mini-Symposium on Women of Color in STEM, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, October 27−28, 2009. Invited Participant, US-Europe Workshop on Gender and Diversity in Engineering Education, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, June 29−30, 2009. Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT), Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA, May 12−14, 2009. Invited Participant, Workshop on Centers, Universities and the Scientific Innovation Ecology, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, March 26−27, 2009. Invited Participant, Workshop on National Center on Cultural Diversity in Computing and Information Technologies, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, April 14−15, 2008. Invited Speaker, National Conference on Can We Compete? Trends in America’s Scientific and Technical Workforce, Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology (CPST), Washington DC, November 1−2, 2007. Elected Council Member, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 2005−2007. Recipient, Regents' Lectureship, University of New Mexico (UNM), Albuquerque, NM, 2003–2006. Invited Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Task Force on Job Migration, 2004–2006. Organizer and Host, National Science Foundation's Information Technology Workforce (ITWF) and Information Technology Research/Education & Workforce (ITR/EWF) Principal Investigator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 26–28, 2003. Invited Participant, Workshop on Beyond the Two Cultures: Science and Technology Studies and the Liberal Arts, Harvard University, Boston, MA, November 4–5, 2001. Invited Participant, United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Managing Diversity in the Civil Service, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY, May 3–4, 2001. Invited Participant, Workshop on Public Research Universities in the 21st Century, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, November 11–12, 1999. Recipient, first Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY, May 1993. |