For scholarship to be meaningful, I feel it often must go beyond the academy to engage in constructive dialogue with diverse communities. Such dialogue helps ensure one's work is grounded in current needs and particulars and increases the transformative potential of research. I engage in outreach, foster communities devoted to public scholarship, and facilitate student creation and participation in public scholarship.


Published Work: To access these publications, please go to

Milstein, T., Pileggi, M., & Morgan, E. (Eds.) (2017). Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice. London, UK: Routledge.

Milstein, T., & Pulos, A. (2015). Culture jam pedagogy and practice: Relocating culture by staying on one’s toes. Communication, Culture, & Critique, 8 (3), 395-413.

Milstein, T. (2012). Survive, critique, and create: Guiding radical pedagogy and critical public scholarship with the discursive guideposts of ecopedagogy. Green Theory and Praxis Journal. 6 (1), 3-16.

Sample Media Public Scholarship and Pedagogy Outreach:

Sample Applied & Community-Based Research:

  • Advisory Board member, Sonar. 2015-present.
  • Principal Investigator. Collaborated with nonprofit organizations, including Conservation Voters of New Mexico, The Wilderness Society, and Arts of Aztlan, as well as UNM Resource Center for Raza Planning in School of Architecture and Planning. Project aimed at identifying local cultural environmental meaning systems to highlight Hispano connections to environment and help organizations shape sustainable ecocultural messages, policy, and politics. 2008-2013.
  • Workshop leader. Prepared Canadian and American tour boat naturalists for summer season in world’s highest concentration of whale watch tourism. Research-grounded dialogue about successes, challenges, and strategies in framing restorative messages about endangered whales and ecosystems. Gear Up workshop. The Whale Museum, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. 2007 & 2011.

Sample Community Outreach:

  • Sierra Club’s Town Hall Panel Moderator. Climate disruption: Agua, Chile, Piñon. South Broadway Cultural Center. Albuquerque, NM. April 30, 2013.

Sample public pedagogy:

  • Lobo Gardens. Centrally engaged via teaching and action in collaborative student, staff, and faculty movement to create, cultivate, and maintain community food gardens on campus and in urban environment. Three campus gardens created. 2010-present. Workshop leader at other universities on integrating campus gardens into higher education pedagogy.
  • Faculty program adviser, Global Environmental Leadership and Sustainability Program for Teens. University of California San Diego Extension Academic Connections program in New Mexico. 2014-present.
  • Mentorship of graduate student public scholars. Dissertations and theses topics include: Iraqi women refugee invitational workshops; greening media literacy for citizenship; “ending poverty” nonprofit work; the DREAMer immigrant youth movement; transgender well being community support frameworks; social and environmental justice faith-based organizations; cultivating place through community gardens; indigenous natural resource planning in Panama; nonprofit LGBTQ community center planning; resource guide and toolkit for farm-to-table local food networks in New Mexico.
  • Letter-to-the-editor class workshop with journalist and Environment New Mexico. Students in Ecocultural Communication: Humans and “the Environment” apply educations in letters to editor about issues of importance to them using applied course concepts and skills. Fall 2014, Spring 2014.

Lobo Gardens planting fruit trees