Information for Faculty
- The Reserves Service is available to provide your students easy access to class materials.
- You provide/identify for the Library homework solutions, reading assignments, textbooks, movies or other materials.
- The students in your class have access to the materiala for a time period you choose.
- Reserve request forms are available here or in the Library at the circulation desk and must be signed by the instructor.
- Please give at least 24 hours for us to process materials to be available for your class.
Requesting the Library to Purchase Materials
- If there are books or films that you would like the Library to purchase as additional resources available to the students, please contact Barbara Lovato at 925-8991, or email your suggestions.
ID Cards
- A LoboCard is required for checking out materials in the Library or for requesting interlibrary loans. Go to Student Services to get it.
Interlibrary Loan
- The Library will borrow items that it does not own or request photocopies from other libraries.
- You may use Library Express from UNM Main Campus Libraries.
Library Tours and Instructions
- Tours may be scheduled for your class to become generally familiar with the library and its resources.
- Course specific instruction sessions may also be scheduled for your classes.
- Instuction sessions are usually held in the Library Instruction Lab LRC 143.
- Instruction sessions typically take one class period, but an additional class period can be scheduled if you would like your students to have time for researching their topic in the library classroom or the library.
- Topics would include
- research strategies,
- choosing and searching in online databases,
- demonstrations of library resources (online catalog, databases, reference materials, library web page),
- evaluating web sites,
- or something specifically designed for your class.
- Web pages to support use of library resources may also be designed for your class.
- You may also call or e-mail LeAnn (925-8993/email) or Barbara (925-8991/email) to schedule a session.
- Instruction sessions need to be scheduled at least 24 hours ahead of time.
Other Helpful Hints
- Before assigning term paper topics, please check the Library for available resources.
- Please give us a copy of your syllabus, if you expect your students to do some library assignments
- Check out the Library's web page for access to LIBROS and a variety of online databases (
- Use Searchpath as basic building block tutorial on finding information. It includes quizes at end of each module.
- A handout is available with instructions on how to add library resource links to your WebCT class.
- A handout is available with plagiarism tutorials.
Library Literacy Committee
- Mission
- UNM-Valencia Campus supports information literacy: the abilities of individuals to appreciate the need for information and to locate, evaluate, and use information. Information literacy is common to all areas of the curriculum and is the foundation for lifelong learning. A comprehensive information literacy program equips students with greater skills for employment and enhances collaboration of faculty, staff, students and administrators to use resources to strengthen the curriculum in all disciplines.
- Core Values
- We support in lifelong learning.
- We believe that information literacy empowers individuals to succeed.
- We value the development of critical thinking.
- We are responsive to changes in information access, including access for persons with disabilities.
- We value the ethical use of information.
- Objectives
- Identify and disseminate information literacy standards that could be used by faculty on this campus.
- Identify and test possible models of assessment of current information literacy instruction.
- Increase faculty understanding of information literacy issues in all disciplines.
- AACC Postition Statement onf Information Literacy
- AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner.
- Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education from ACRL.