UNM Valencia Valencia Campus Library
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Valencia Campus Library

Semester Hours

Aug. 22, 2011 -
May 16, 2012

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 8:30 PM

1st and 3rd
10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
2nd, 4th, and 5th
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday

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Citing Your Sources

The Process

Identify the type of source.
Books Parts of books
Periodical articles Web pages
Online articles Interviews
Artwork Other???
Use Diana Hackers A Pocket Style Manual.
  1. Type your information into the Works Cited page.
  2. Identify the parts of the citation (author, title, etc.)
  3. Use correct capatalization and puncutation.
  4. Compare what you have typed to the model.
Use a "citation builder."
  1. Choose your type of source.
  2. Type in the various parts of the citation as requested.
  3. Copy and paste the formated citation into your Works Cited page.
  4. Compare this against Diana Hackers A Pocket Style Manual model.
  5. Edit as necessary.
Use the "citing feature" of an article database.
These databases have that feature.
(Print/Citation in top right corner)
(Cite This in the middle of the page above the article title)
Expanded Academic Index
(at the bottom of the page of full text)
General Reference Center Gold
(at the bottom of the page of full text)
  1. Click on the "citing feature.
  2. Be sure to choose MLA format.
  3. Copy and paste the formated citation into your Works Cited page.
  4. Compare this against Diana Hackers A Pocket Style Manual model.
  5. Edit as necessary.
For books " use the Free WorldCat citation builder."
  1. Search for your book (or other item you found in LIBROS).
  2. Click on "Cite This Item."
  3. Copy the MLA version of the citation.
  4. Paste into your Works Cited page.
  5. Compare this against Diana Hackers A Pocket Style Manual model.
  6. Edit as necessary.
write (1K)

Write and Cite