Information for Parents

You’ve already done a tremendous job with your child if they are considering the university experience.

Math is an integral part of the engineering education; suggest that your child continue to take math courses each year while they are in high school.

We have listed some helpful suggestions on how you can provide the necessary support you child will need throughout his/her academic career as an engineering student.

- Help your child move into the college environment and attend the opening orientation. But be prepared to leave right after that.

- Stay interested in what your child is doing, just don't expect them to remain in constant contact with you. The administrative staff at any institution will assist you and answer any of your questions; but, please be aware that there are guidelines we must follow since your student is an adult.

- Listen to them without judging when they talk about the future. They may be trying out new ideas and are looking for your support.

- Ask open-ended questions about their plans and activities, such as: "Tell me more about how you made that decision?" "What do you think is important in making this decision?" "What is the best thing I can do to help you in this situation?"

- Take the time to ask students three key questions that, if you simply do what they tell you, will improve your relationship with your child in college:

1) What is the best thing I can say or do to motivate you to do well?
2) What is the best thing I can say or do to give you feedback when I disagree with an action or decision?
3) What is the best thing I can say or do to recognize you when you do well?”

plutoby Steve Langerud,
University of Iowa, Associate Dean for Career Services



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