Week 1

* Assignment *

Course Introduction

Syllabus (PDF file)

Required Materials

Introduction to the Web and HTML

What is the Internet?

What Is the World Wide Web?

Web Servers

Web Site Types and Purposes

Web Browsers

What Is Hypertext Markup Language?

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Web Page Validation

HTML History

HTML Versions

HTML Elements

<tag  attribute="......">Stuff enclosed by tags</tag>

<tag  attribute="......">
by tags

<img  src="bob.jpg" alt="Picture of Bob Smith" />

Web Site Testing

Tools for Creating HTML Documents

Let's Install the Web Developer Extension in Firefox!

Firefox is an excellent browser because you can install useful "extensions." It also has good compliance with Web standards.

We will now install Chris Pederick's Web Developer extension:

  1. Open this page the Firefox browser.
  2. Click on this link to the Web Developer extension.
  3. Click on the "Add to Firefox" button on the page that shows up.
  4. When the drop-down appears warning you to only install add-ons from authors you trust, click "Install Now".
  5. You should choose to "Restart Firefox" after the installation is complete.
  6. The Web Developer toolbar should appear in the upper part of the Firefox window after restart. It contains many useful tools.

I highly recommend that you install Firefox and the Web Developer extension on whatever computers you intend to use for creating HTML pages for this course. There is also a Web Developer extension for the Chrome browser.

(Do not confuse the Web Developer toolbar with Firfox's menu item Tools > Web Developer.)


(If we have extra time, we'll go ahead to next week's lecture, although some students might not have their UNM computer accounts yet.)


Assignment 1 - Due Saturday, Aug 24

Send an email to tbeach@unm.edu that includes:

  1. Your name.
  2. Your UNM NetID.
  3. Your 9-digit UNM student number.
  4. A phone number that we can use to contact you.
  5. Your preferred email address.
  6. Your computer platform (Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc.)
  7. Your preferred web browser and version (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, ...)
  8. Your reason for taking this class.
  9. What you hope to get from the course.

NOTE! The Subject line of this email should be "IT145 YourName Asg. 1".
In general, all email you send to me should have this format for the Subject line.

You will be graded on:

Reading Assignment: