Week 2

* Assignment *

Chapter 1: Web Page Building Blocks

Web page documents contain the text that will appear on the page, and the HTML markup that structures the page (and also specifies where non-text content, such as where images go and the location of their source files, and also makes the links to other pages, etc.).

It has been the trend for a long time now to have the HTML of the page specify the structure and semantics of the page, and have as much of the formatting directives that specify the appearance of the document to be separated out into CSS style sheets. The CSS style sheet information may be stored within the Web page document, but they are often kept in separate files so that the same formatting styles can be applied to multiple pages.

HTML5 continues this trend to focus HTML much more on the structure of the page, specifying the semantics (meaning) of the content. Concentrating on good semantics will make your Web pages more accessible, improve search engine optimization, and makes your code easier to style and maintain.


HTML Markup:

The HTML markup (which are tags inserted within the text of the document) divides the document up into elements that specify the semantics of each part of the page. HTML elements are very often nested within other elements.

Text Content of a Web Page

Non-Text Content of a Web Page (Images, Links, Flash movies, etc.)

File Names

Uniform Resource Locators


DOCTYPE and the flavors of HTML


Chapter 2: Working With Web Page Files

Designing Your Site

Organizing Your Files

Using Our Editor and FTP programs

Using "webupdate" via SSH

If the method above for getting the correct Web permissions on the files you uploaded to ftp.unm.edu is not working for you, here is an alternate method: You can connect to the linux.unm.edu machine via SSH (as outlined below) and then use the "webupdate" command. This command will set the correct permissions on all the files and directories currently in your public_html folder.

On our classroom PCs, we have a "Secure Telnet" application installed that will allow you to connect to the main campus linux machine via SSH2 protocol. (You can get this software from here if you want to install it elsewhere.) This copy of the software is preconfigured to take you to the UNM main campus computer system. To use this application, do the following:

  1. Choose Start > All Programs > Secure Telnet and FTP > Telnet
    (This will launch the program and the "Connect to Remote Host" dialog box that appear with the "linux.unm.edu" host name already in place.)
  2. Enter your UNM NetID into the "User Name" field.
  3. Click the "Connect"
  4. If the warning notice appears, click "OK"
  5. Enter your password (for your UNM NetID account) into the dialog box
  6. Click "OK"
  7. When it asks "Terminal type? [vt100]", press your Enter key.
    (The $ prompt will appear)
  8. Type webupdate and press Enter.
    (The permissions on all of your Web files are now set properly!)
  9. Type logout and press Enter to logout.

If you are using Mac OS X, you can use the Terminal utility to perform this same action. Do this:

  1. Go > Utilities
  2. Double-click on the "Terminal" application.
  3. Type ssh NetID@linux.unm.edu and press Return
    (where "NetID" is YOUR UNM NetID)
  4. When prompted, type your password and press Return
    (no character will appear while you type your password)
  5. When it asks "Terminal type? [vt100]", press your Enter key.
    (The $ prompt will appear)
  6. Type webupdate and press Enter.
    (The permissions on all of your Web files are now set properly!)
  7. Type logout and press Enter to logout.

Note that using the "webupdate" command only sets the permissions for all of the files and directories that are currently in your public_html folder. If you upload more files, you will need to repeat this procedure to set the permissions for those files. But, if you have uploaded several files, it can be faster to set all the permissions this way rather than setting them individually with your SFTP program (especially if you can't remember what files you have uploaded recently that need permissions set).


Other Stuff From Chapter 2



Assignment 2 - Due Saturday, Aug 31

Create a simple HTML Web page and load it onto your Web space on ftp.unm.edu using the Web tools discussed/used in class or similar tools. Name the file a2.html and make sure its permission are properly set so that it can be viewed in a Web browser. The web page should display the following four lines as shown below:

Your Name
IT 145
Assignment 2
It works!

Don't worry about validating this page, since we aren't using proper HTML yet. You don't need to include any HTML tags other that the <pre> element (as shown in the lecture above) in this file.

Send an email to tbeach@unm.edu that includes the URL of the page so that I can see it.

NOTE! The Subject line of this email should be "IT145 YourName Asg. 2"

You will be graded on:

Reading Assignment:

Extra Credit: