593eee Labs
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PEP 426
PEP 535-EB
Biochem Lab
PEP 593
PEP 627
PEP 528-Neuromuscular Perf.
530 Lab. Proced.
Research Methods
PEP 478/579
PEP 326

Laboratory Instructions

During this class there will be three laboratory sessions - two on altitude and one on heat stress.  The procedures to follow when writing laboratory reports are provided below.


Organize your lab reports into the following sections, and adhere to the suggested page lengths (double spaced typed) in parentheses.

Introduction (1-2)
Methods (1-3)
Results (1-2)
Discussion (2-4)
Conclusions (<1)
References (1)


Use a writing and citation format typical for the exercise science research literature.  This means do not use the APS format, but rather a system where citations are by number.  You can decide on whether you want to list abbreviations in order of citation, or alphabetically.

Submission Dates

The deadlines to submit each laboratory assignment are as follows;

Topic Date
Experiencing Altitude 6/12/00
Exercise During Acute Hypoxia 6/12/00
Exercise and Heat Stress 6/19/00


Each Laboratory write-up is worth 100 points as detailed in the class outline.  In addition, points will be deducted for each day a lab write-up is late - 5 points/each day.

All other details of the laboratory sessions and write-ups can be found in the laboratory sessions page.