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PEP 426
PEP 535-EB
Biochem Lab
PEP 593
PEP 627
PEP 528-Neuromuscular Perf.
530 Lab. Proced.
Research Methods
PEP 478/579
PEP 326

The linked documents contain the references that I have compiled for you.  I do not expect you to read all of these references.  Rather, the lists provide you with pertinent readings on the topics covered in the class.

The references that I have in bold that are those that I expect you to collect and read.  Most of the research-based lecture material will be from these references.

I have organized the readings by publication date, grouped in five year intervals.  Make sure you look at the entire list of references for a given topic, as some key references might be "old".

Enjoy your reading!!!