Affiliated faculty

Rosa Vallejos
Department of Linguistics
Rosa's research focuses on Amazonia. She has conducted several interconnected projects to study and document three typologically distinct languages: Amazonian Spanish, Kokama (TupĂ­an) and Secoya (Tukanoan). She records and analyzes natural language use and extracts linguistic patterns in order to explain these patterns in cross-linguistic terms. Rosa pursues research in three areas: morphosyntax, language contact, and documentary fieldwork. More information can be found here.
Melissa Axelrod
Department of Linguistics
Her work has focused on language revitalization and documentation of indigenous languages in the Americas. She is currently working on projects to produce grammars, dictionaries, and pedagogical materials with the Ixhil Maya of highland Guatemala, the O’odham of southern Arizona, and Nambe Pueblo of New Mexico. More information can be found here.
William Croft
Department of Linguistics
His central interests are in how meaning and function are encoded in grammatical form, and in the variation, diversity and evolution of languages. He takes a functional-typological approach to the analysis of grammar, drawing on the insights of construction grammar and cognitive linguistics. Visit William Croft's webpage.
Holly E. Jacobson
Department of Linguistics
Her cross-disciplinary research focuses foremost on language and health, with language minorities and communities impacted by health disparities constituting the driving force of her work. Her primary areas of research and teaching include health discourse; intercultural communication in healthcare settings; and health literacy. More information can be found here.
Christian Koops
Department of Linguistics
His primary research interest is sociophonetics, especially the question of how social variation in speech production is mentally represented, and how our mental representations of different speaker groups are used during speech perception. More information can be found here.
Jill P. Morford
Department of Linguistics
Her research investigates language acquisition and processing in the visual modality. In particular, she is interested in (1) the effects of language input on the development of language processing skills, and (2) the effects of the visual modality on the structure and processing of language, and (3) bilingual lexical access. More information can be found here.
Barbara Shaffer
Department of Linguistics
She is primarily interested in discourse pragmatics in American Sign Language. She has been focusing on intersubjectivity in discourse and interpreted discourse. She has also been collecting data on the expression of speaker subjectivity, specifically the use of modals and evidentials. Visit Barbara Shaffer's webpage.
Caroline L. Smith
Department of Linguistics
Her research uses a laboratory phonology approach, and in recent years has been largely concerned with prosody,  especially in French. She teaches courses on phonetics and phonology at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Visit Caroline Smith's webpage.
Sherman Wilcox
Department of Linguistics
His research focuses on signed language linguistics and typology, the relation of gesture and language, language evolution, Deaf culture, and cognitive theories of interpreting. He teaches undergraduate courses in the B.S. Degree in Signed Language Interpreting and graduate courses in Linguistics. Visit Sherman Wilcox's webpage.
Barbara Rodriguez
Dept. of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Her research and teaching interests are in bilingual language acquisition. Her recent research has focused on language and literacy development in bilingual (English/Spanish), cultural and environmental influences on the language development of children from diverse backgrounds, and speech/language assessment and screening of bilingual children.Visit Barbara Rodriguez's webpage.
David Dinwoodie
Dept. of Anthropology (Ethnology)
Areas of Research: Sociocultural anthropology; Linguistic anthropology; theory and history, ethnonationalism, neoliberalism, and historical consciousness; 19th century British colonialism; Pacific Northwest, Native North America, Canada. Visit David Dinwoodie's webpage.
Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan
Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures
Areas of Research: Bilingualism, heritage speakers, SLA, syntax, semantics and pragmatics of Slavic languages. Visit Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan's webpage.
Emma Trentman
Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures
Interests are language and intercultural learning during study abroad, research-based interventions in study abroad, critical analysis of study abroad discourse, Arabic dialectology and L2 dialect acquisition, and developing a genre-based curriculum for Arabic. Visit Emma Trentman's webpage.