
We offer a premier program in Hispanic linguistics featuring cutting-edge research in cognitive, functional, typological linguistics. Our history extends to the beginning of the previous century with important documentation of New Mexican Spanish by our own Aurelio Espinoza. This documentation has been continued most notably in the work by Professors Bills & Vigil with the New Mexico Colorado Spanish survey. Because large bodies of data are crucial tools for training students on usage-based approaches to linguistic theory, we are building corpora in language contact situations in the US and the Amazon, and in monolingual varieties of Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Students in our programs have collected data in Central America and Mexico as well.

Our faculty has an active research agenda in language variation and change, language contact, first and second language acquisition, and sociolinguistics.

Our Hispanic Linguistics program also prepares our graduate students to be cutting-edge leaders in Spanish language teaching by means of exposing them to 1. a community of engaged diverse language learners (Spanish Heritage and Spanish L2), 2. state-of-the art language teaching professional development workshops in language proficiency development and 3. national certified Spanish courses for best practices in online teaching.