Welcome to PEP326L Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology
Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology Syllabus of Current Semester: IN PROGRESS
1) Each week we will have Exercise Physiology topical content which I will discuss with written information and short Youtube videos. There will be ONE WEB PAGE link for you to follow for each week (See below).

2) Every student will work at her/his OWN pace, on your own time, through each week's content.

3) At the end of the content for each week is an OPEN NOTE Exam, from the content that I provide you for that week.

4) Each Exam is due by the Friday of that week at midnight (no late papers accepted). The 'weight' of each exam is the same as in the course syllabus.

5) Your Final Exam for PEP326L will also be a take-home exam due Wednesday May 11 by midnight.

SPECIAL NOTE: Each of the Links below will be ACTIVATED for student access on the MONDAY of that week.
1 August 17 - August 21: Overview of Coruse. Introduction to Exercise Physiology: Exam 1 Part A, due Friday August 21 (no late papers accepted).
2 August 24 - August 28: Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle. Chapter 1 Reading. Exam 1 Part B, due Friday August 28 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
3 August 31 - September 4: Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle.cont. Introduction of Neural Physiology. Chapter 9 Reading. Exam 1 Part C, due Friday Sept. 4 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
Exercise Physiology Lab #1
4 Sept 7 - Sept 11: Neural Control of Exercising Muscle. Hypertrophic Neuromuscular Adaptations. Chapter 3 & 9 Reading. Exam 1 Part D, due Friday Sept. 11 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
5 Sept 14 - Sept. 18: Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism. Chapter 2 Reading. Exam 2 Part A, due Friday Sept. 18 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
6 Sept 21 - Sept. 25: Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism. Chapter 2 Reading. Exam 2 Part B, due Friday Sept. 25 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
7 Sept 28 - Oct. 2: Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism. Chapter 2 Reading. Exam 2 Part C, due Friday Oct. 2 by midnight (no late papers accepted).
8 Oct 5 - Oct. 9: Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism. Chapter 2 Reading. Exam 2 Part D, due Friday Oct. 9 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
9 Oct 12 - Oct. 16: Adaptations to Aerobic and Anaerobic Training. Chapter 11 Reading. Exam 3 Part A, due Friday Oct. 16 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
10 Oct 19 - Oct. 23: Cardiovascular System and Its Control. Chapter 6 Reading. Exam 3 Part B, due Friday Oct. 23 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
Exercise Physiology Lab #2
11 Oct 26 - Oct. 30: Cardiovascular System and Its Control. Chapter 6 Reading. Exam 3 Part C, due Friday Oct. 30 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
12 Nov 2- Nov 6: Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acute Exercise. Chapter 6 Reading. Exam 3 Part D, due Friday Nov. 6 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
13 Nov 9- Nov 13: The Respiratory System and its Regulation. Chapter 7 Reading. Exam 4 Part A, due Friday Nov. 13 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
14 Nov 16- Nov 20: The Respiratory System and its Regulation. Chapter 7 Reading. Exam 4 Part B, due Friday Nov. 20 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
15 Nov 23- Nov 25(Thanksgiving Holiday) The Respiratory System and its Regulation. Hormone Control During Exercise. Chapter 4 & 7 Reading. Exam 4 Part C, due Friday Nov. 20 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
16 Nov 30- December 4 Hormone Control During Exercise. Chapter 7 Reading. Exam 4 Part C, due Friday Nov. 20 by midnight (no late papers accepted)
Exercise Physiology Lab #3
CD Animation Package: Excellent A&P Animations
Unit One: Muscle and Nerve
Interactive Quiz One: Muscle and Nerve (Note: Need to do on computer with mouse)
Intro, Homeostatic Control, Neuromuscular Function/Adaptation: Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Unit Two: Metabolism
Interactive Quiz Two: Metabolism (Note: Need to do on computer with mouse)
Metabolism: Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Unit Three: Metabolic Adaptations and Cardiovascular Physiology
Interactive Quiz Three: Metabolic Adaptations and Cardiovascular (Note: Need to do on computer with mouse)
Metabolic Adaptations and Cardiovascular: Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
Unit Four: Respiratory Physiology and Endocrinology
Interactive Quiz Four: Respiratory and Endocrinology (Note: Need to do on computer with mouse)
Respiratory and Endocrinology: Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
VERY HELPFUL Exercise Physiology Learning Tips and Resources
Class, I have organized the learning tips by UNIT as we progress in class.
Intro, Muscle and Nerve LEARNING TIPS
Class, here is an online WEB site with videos explaining many aspects of physiology and biology
Five Components of Fitness
Longitudinal Research
Homeostasis, Steady State, Negative Feedback
Gross Muscle Structure and Sarcomere
Sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubules
The Motor Unit, Motor Unit Recruitment, All-or-None Response
Muscle Fiber Type Comparisons
BASIC Muscle Contraction Quiz
Neuromuscular Junction and Arrival of Action Potential and Complete muscle contraction sequence
Morphology of a Motor Neuron
Action Potential Steps and 'Force Production Short Story'
Hypertrophic Factors to Resistance Training and Neural Drive Explanation
Muscle spindle and glogi tendon organ
Complete Muscle Contraction Quiz from Arrival of Action Potential thru Muscle Contraction
Practice Quiz of Pioneers of Exercise Physiology
Metabolism Systems LEARING TIPS
Phosphagen Energy System Diagram
Energy Systems of the Body of Four Stages of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Enzymes and Induced Fit of Enzymes
Glycolysis: Stage I of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Lactate Formation Explanation (and graphic of NADH+H+ Shuttle)
Lactate Article by Dr. Kravitz
Mitochondrion Morphology
Stage II of Carbohydrate Metabolism
TCA Cycle: Stage III of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Electron Transport Chain ‘Story’: Stage IV of Carbohydrate Metabolism
ATP (Total) Production from One Molecule of Glucose and One Molecule of Glycogen
RER Chart, Optimal Fat Burning Controversy, Accumulated Time in Exercise, RPE (Borg Ratings Chart)
VO2 Max, Aerobic and Metabolic Adapations to Exercise, Peripheral Fatigue, EPOC & More LEARING TIPS
VO2 Max, VO2 Peak, VO2 Max Criteria
Aerobic Adapations to Exercise
Anaerobic Adaptations to Exercise
Oxygen Deficit, EPOC, Lactate Formation, Lactate Threshold and Training Comments
Fatigue: Three Sites of PERIPHERAL Fatigue
Cardiovascular Physiology LEARING TIPS
Heart Anatomy Review
Blood Flow Through Pulmonary and Systemic Circuits and Blood Flow Self-Test
Cardiac Cycle Description and Cardiac Conduction System
EKG Rhythm Strip
Sample Cardiac Output (Q) Calculations
Cardiovascular Responses and Adaptations to Aerobic Exercise
Oxygen Deficit, EPOC, Lactate Formation, Lactate Threshold and Training Comments
Redox Potential
Respiratory Physiology LEARING TIPS
One alveolus
Ventilation, Partial Pressures Calculation and Asthma and EIA Discussion
Partial Pressures Values through the Body: Make sure you do the Quiz on this link
Video Explaining Gas (O2 and CO2) Exchange in the Body
Oxygen-hemoglobin Dissociation Curve & Borr Effect
Carbon Dioxide Transport in the Blood
Altitude Training; What are the 3 Common Methods and Which is Best?
Fatigue: Three Sites of PERIPHERAL Fatigue
Endocrinology LEARING TIPS
Diabetes Consequences, Hormone Receptor Complext, Insulin Levels During Exercise
Anti-Diuretic Hormone and Growth Hormone
Aldosterone, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Cortisol
Glucose and Fat Metabolism During Exercise
Extra Resources and Lab Resources
Rockport Walk Example Calculation of VO2max
Cardiovascular Fitness Assessment Tables For Rockport Lab
PDF of Dr. Kravitz's NEW Health Benefits of Exercise Article
Citation for Dr. Kravitz's Health Benefits Article: Morton, G.A, & Kravitz, L. (2016). 35 Ailments, One Prescription, IDEA Fitness Journal, 13(2), 30-40.
What is Periodization Training?
Fat and Carbohydrate Use in Physically Active Males and Females
END: Thank you Class. Please stay laser focused on your studies. You can do it.